Addison, Carolie

This interview was recorded on May 6th, 2019 in Green Valley, Arizona and it covers the following themes:  

b. 1941 

  • Family background in Midwest. Family move to Tucson in 1945 and starting Arizona Land & Title Company. Move out to Tanque Verde Road, building houses. 

  • Parents homesteading lifestyle, gardening, and notions of health food. 

  • Sisters private school education and Addison’s experience at the two-room Tanque Verde school, starting in first grade. Fellow students and poverty in neighborhood. Relations between white and Mexican American families. Horse culture and exploring the desert. Arrival of a bar in the neighborhood. 

  • Drives into the city. Life without a phone, eavesdropping on a party line. Old Pueblo Club. Family’s expectations for Addison’s education. Understandings of class and race. Games. Ranching, cattle, guns. Tanque Verde area trees and water. 

  • Teenage years. Roskruge and Tucson High. Conformity and social pressure. Marijuana and stigma of drugs in the 1950s. Attending the private Valley School at Swan and River. 

  • College at NAU in 1958 and transfer to UA in 1959. Studying art. Avoiding the Greek system. Dating. Sex and gender norms in the 1950s, women’s liberation and the changes of the 1960s. 

  • Year long trip to Europe in 1960. 

  • Getting pregnant, getting married, dropping out of the UA. Move to southern Louisiana in mid-1960s, missing the cultural changes of the 1960s. 

  • Return to Tucson in 1978 and changes in the Tanque Verde area. 

  • Further reflections upon Tanque Verde area in the 1950s. 

Aengus Anderson