Quiroga, Guillermo "Bill"

This interview is with Guillermo Quiroga and covers the following themes:

Parental history and childhood in 1950s Santa Barbara.
Discovering his Yaqui history in school.
The close relationship between Yaqui and Mexican communities in United States.
A section about Yaqui history.
Quiroga’s first trip to Tucson in the early 1960s to visit a larger Yaqui community.
High school, work and the art/music scene in mid-sixties southern California.
Life in the San Francisco Bay area during 67.
Enrollment in UCSB. Anti-war riots, political radicalization.
The AIM occupation of Alcatraz.
The Black Hills occupation.
Student activism and Vietnam war protests in Santa Barbara, followed by Quiroga’s move to Tucson in 1971.
Attitudes of federally recognized tribes towards the Yaqui.
Challenge of finding work in Tucson, descriptions of different Yaqui communities.
Federal recognition in 1978 and the debate surrounding recognition.
Changes in Yaqui community since recognition.

Part one of two was recorded at the Old Pascua Museum and Yaqui Culture Center in Tucson, Arizona, March 29th, 2017.

This interview covers the following themes:

The Yaqui tribe’s federal recognition.
Quiroga's work on the tribe’s Housing Authority Board.
Other work, including directorship of the Tucson Indian Center.
MBA at the University of Arizona.
Launching a business selling Native herbs.
Formation of the Old Pascua Museum and its importance.
Using narrative film to tell the Yaqui story.
Yaqui identity throughout Quiroga’s lifetime.
Preserving Yaqui heritage and artifacts.
How to deal with old film and video of Yaqui people and ceremonies.
Yaqui and Tohono O'odham connections since 1970s.
Yaqui activism and connections with the Chicano movement.

Part two of two was recorded at the Old Pascua Museum and Yaqui Culture Center in Tucson, Arizona, April 5th, 2017.